Wedding Skridskopaviljongen Stockholm
Wedding Skridskopaviljongen Stockholm
Caroline and Daniel had their wedding at Skridskopaviljongen in Stockholm. It was such a wonderful winter day, that kind of weather you dream about when planning a winter wedding. The preperations took place in seperate rooms on the downstairs and then we did first look inside the grand hall. After the first look, we photographed portraits just outside the room with the amazing Stockholm skyline as backdrop. When shooting outdoors at such degrees, its so important to wear warm scarves, jackets between the shoots (I as a photographer, however, had the luxury of wearing clothes tailored to the weather all the time;)
Caroline’s jumpsuit was just so awesome (she designed it her self!). Aside from the fact that the bridemaids and best mens were nicely matched in blue, the whole wedding party was as well. Love the idea, it does so much for the pictures and overall impression when the color scale goes all the way. Caroline and Daniel choosed to have a shorter wedding, with mingle instead of traditional sitting-down dinner – the perfect way to have a smaller wedding without sacrificing the parts you love. An absolutely wonderful day, from start to finish. We ended the evening by letting the guests shape a tunnel with “tomtebloss” for the couple to walk through on their way out.
Bröllop Skridskopaviljongen
Funderar ni också på att gifta er i Skridskopaviljongen? Skridskopaviljongen är vacker året om men verkligen den perfekta höst- och vinterlokalen för bröllop och vigslar för det mindre eller mellanstora sällskapet. Otroligt härligt ljusinsläpp och vacker dekor. Sitt unika läge i Stockholm gör att ni kan få både vackra naturporträtt men också Stockholms skyline i bakgrunden. Vigseln sker uppe på loftet med vackra vita takbjälkar. Läs mer om att boka mig som bröllopsfotograf.